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X-Ray Glassware Coverage

Common sense coverage that keeps your X-Ray

Covering Your Instrument

The team at Tri-Imaging Solutions has experience installing hundreds of X-Ray tubes. We provide a full range of tube replacement options from tube installation labor to full coverage of all the tubes in your network. We specialize in Hologic mammography tube replacement.

Our discounted glassware purchasing program, GlassWorks™, offers tubes at a discounted price when you need one. Do you already have a tube, but need help getting it installed? Do you need a replacement tube for one that has failed? We’ll make sure you get the tube you need and install it with confidence. Call us, we are happy to help.

Beyond Leading Edge Service

Our service team is equipped with a wide range of experience. We have a wide range of knowledge and capabilities across the country. Our engineers are dedicated to bringing top notch service to your facility. To find out more on service, visit our contact page to request a quote.

Need Parts or Service?

Reach out and let us tell you why Tri-Imaging is your ideal partner for supporting your X-Ray